Thursday, September 16, 2010

Getting around Ho Chi Minh City

Traffic here is the oddest and craziest thing I have ever seen. I'm starting to get use to it actually so I thought I better write and tell everyone how it is here. You know what stoplights and stopsigns are right? Well here that seem to be optional. Sometimes people stop, usually its can I get through the intersection and then they just go. I use to think that if someone did that back home they would be in a huge fender bender, but that is just how driving goes here. It is even worse on motorbikes, there are no one way streets, its how can I get from point A to point B the fastest and if that means going the wrong way, so be it. People even drive on the sidewalk when the traffic is backed up on the street here. Traffic jams take a whole new form here, they happen because no one wants to let someone else go before them. I just think about when you go to a aporting event and after their are thousands of cars and you take turns getting out of the parking lot, street, etc. Their is no your turn, my turn here, it is MY turn all the time. We went to get massages tonight and we had an extra 20 minutes added to our time in the cab because of a traffic jam. Instead of just waiting in the two lanes of traffic, the cars formed 6 smooshed lanes that only made it worse and then the motorbikes start to weave in and out of cars, it is mad chaos. The right of way doesn't seem to apply here. It is just fascinating to watch people drive cars and especially motorbikes. I thought driving and texting was bad back home. I see people on motorbikes texting in this crazy city, now that takes talent :-)

Tonight we went downtown to get massages at Zest (becoming our regular spot) and after Diane and Vicky headed back to Saigon Pearl but I was hungry and wanted to grab something before heading home. I started walking, I got a yummy milk tea drink and then decided to see if I could find the few places I knew of in the city. Of course I know no street names and there are very few landmarks that are distinctive but I managed to go from the massage place to Ben Thanh Market to where our hotel is we stayed in when we arrived. I was pretty impressed with myself and it wasn't that long of a walk. The sad part is I still don't really know which way is north when I am in the city, I actually am not sure in our apartment either :-( But I'm pretty proud of myself for navigating the streets solo and not getting lost.

Walking around tonight reminded me of living in London. These cities are completely different but in some ways similar. I feel really safe here, just like in London. I was not worried walking alone at night as a woman. I know there are places I should not do that here but overall I feel safe in HCMC. I'm starting to feel like this is my home and that I'm not a tourist anymore. This being said I know that I will always look like a tourist. I enjoy just walking and seeing all the different shops and restaurants and the people. It felt good to feel independent again. I know coming here was a pretty independent thing to do but since I've arrived I've been pretty dependent on the other teachers. I feel myself settling in and getting my bearings. Now that I finally have a gym membership I can workout when I want, it feels great.

In other news, my work permit came in this week so they can apply for my temporary residence card. Also I got a copy of my labor contract in Vietnamese so I can finally go to the bank and transfer money back home. Ah the joys of being a grown-up and having bills to pay.

Tomorrow night we are going out to celebrate the Sept birthdays, mine included. There are 4 of us international teachers with birthdays within 10 days of each other, pretty cool. We are going to barbeque garden, my fav place here so far. I'm sure it will be a fun weekend!!


Bex said...

Hooray for starting to feel like a local. I think that's one of the most important things about living in a new place - feeling like it's home.

And, don't feel bad about not knowing which way is North. I couldn't tell you which way is North unless I can see the sun. :)

Morgan said...

So glad you're loving it there! I'm still impressed that you had the balls to go there on your own - i know i couldn't have done it. Miss ya, girl!

Unknown said...

I miss you guys too. If we saw the sun here Bekah I might be able to tell you which way is north, maybe :-)

Bex said...

Ahhhh, smog. Such a beautiful thing... When are you going to get a SARS/smog mask??? :D

Unknown said...

The pollution isn't that bad. It is just overcast everyday. I don't think I could do the mask, too fricken hot here!